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Deal Sourcing: Building an Impact-Oriented Investment Strategy

Investing in impactful, high-potential companies starts with high-quality deal flow. This makes sourcing a critical function for impact investors. During the Deal Sourcing Workshop, participants will receive a 30-minute overview of how to conduct an impact-oriented sourcing process. After this, they will have the chance to put this knowledge into action by working in teams to design a high-level sourcing plan. The session will conclude with a share-out, providing space for participants to discuss creative sourcing ideas.

Participants will leave this session with the framework to design a thoughtful, impact-oriented sourcing plan and tools to conduct a search, including a slide deck containing actionable resources (website links, Yale resources, templates, and best practices). They will also leave with creative sourcing ideas crowd-sourced from their peers and new connections to support their entrepreneurial journey!

While this session will focus on sourcing in an impact investment context, all concepts and tools will also be applicable to traditional VC investing. Additionally, our content is targeted towards investors, however participants from startups will also find the session useful to understand how investors identify startups, and therefore how startups might best position themselves to connect with mission-aligned investors.

Happening April 4-5, 2024 at Hotel Marcel